Spirit of Ireland Gala 2021!

The day has come at last! After years of planning, development, and capital campaigning, the new Irish Arts Center is ready to open its doors! Last year’s Gala was very special: a virtual celebration open to all, with a wide array of guest performances and words of wisdom from several […]

Spirit of Ireland Gala!

October 16 Gabriel Byrne’s attendance as Honorary Chair of this event has been confirmed by Irish Central : Special guest and honorary chair Gabriel Byrne will also join for the Gala evening . . . Irish Arts Center (IAC) is set to host their 20th A Spirit of Ireland Gala, […]

Irish Arts Center: Groundbreaking Gala!

The Building Campaign for the new home for the Irish Arts Center in New York City has been going on for several years and now it is on its way to completion! It is so exciting and rewarding to see this project realized after all of the hard work and […]

Irish Arts Center Gala Concert

Updated April 15 Unfortunately, it seems Gabriel Byrne will not be participating in the Gala Concert after all. sad However, Liam Neeson will be a Special Guest that evening, so don’t cry too much. wink — March 19 It’s Groundbreaking Time! As someone who recently built a house (the builders […]

Spirit of Ireland Gala 2017!

Updated October 21 Of course we all wanted to be there. Here is proof that we missed a fantastic evening. Wah! wink Irish Central tell us: Irish Arts Center in New York threw one heck of a party last Friday night at Cipriani 42nd Street, a star-studded, jam-packed gala dinner […]