A Different Take on MILLER’S CROSSING

So, I was checking the Broken Link Checker for this website, as I do almost every day, and I discovered a broken link to something I really wanted us to have. Adam Forsgren published an intriguing essay on Miller’s Crossing at The Screening Space last year, but that website has […]


A review by one of the lucky ones who experienced Gabriel Byrne’s new play in Dublin! I first met Jojanneke van den Bosch in Bray, just outside Dublin, in 2013, when we both attended the premiere of the documentary film Behind the Sword in the Stone (now called Excalibur: Behind […]

WALKING WITH GHOSTS with Mary in Dublin

When “once in a lifetime” rolls around, you don’t cry “Oh, if only.” No. “I’m going, no matter what!” is the response that gets your dreams fulfilled. Mary, who lives in the UK, decided that Gabriel Byrne, on stage, in Dublin, performing a stage version of his memoir, was a […]

Guest Essay: Kristen Skeet on JUST A SIGH

Writer, blogger, and Gabriel Byrne fan Kristen Skeet shares her ideas about Just A Sigh with us here. Thank you, Kristen! BEWARE! There are spoilers lurking below and if you have not seen the film, you must be wary! As I told Kristen, I’ve seen Just A Sigh about 200 […]

The Doors of Heaven: JUST A SIGH

Please note: There are spoilers in this essay about the French film Le temps de l’aventure, also known as Just A Sigh, which I viewed on DVD without the benefit of English subtitles. And so you should be warned. If you have seen the film, then you will understand where […]