The Byrne-ing News, May 2018 Edition

Spring has sprung! The way Byrneholics know this is because we just celebrated Gabriel Byrne’s birthday. And, while we were doing that, we also celebrated the 10th birthday of Byrneholics Online! Yes, it’s been ten years since those first heady days in 2008, when Gabriel knocked us all sideways with […]

Two Gabriel Byrne Films at Irish Film Festa

April 1 Update Gabriel Byrne sent a message of thanks to the Festa for honoring him with the screening of Into The West: “In gratitude G” Condividiamo con voi il bellissimo messaggio di Gabriel Byrne all’#IRISHFILMFESTA >> — Irish Film Festa (@IrishFilmFesta) March 29, 2018 Festival Director Susanna […]

My Astonishing Self: Gabriel Byrne on George Bernard Shaw

Original Projects Page for My Astonishing Self Status: Released Release: December 2017 Written and directed by Gerry Hoban This documentary is presented by Gabriel Byrne, with the participation of Gemma Atterton, Ralph Fiennes, Dara O Briain, and more Trailer Synopsis In My Astonishing Self, Gabriel Byrne explores the life, works and passions […]

G. B. Shaw Documentary Airs on RTÉ One!

Gabriel Byrne’s new documentary My Astonishing Self: Gabriel Byrne on George Bernard Shaw will air on RTÉ One in Ireland on Wednesday, December 6 at 3: 35 pm. Helpful folks at the RTÉ International Player tell me that this show will not be available for viewing outside of Ireland, so […]

Gabriel Byrne’s New Documentary on George Bernard Shaw

Remember this photo from January? The lovely one provided by the Dublin artist Fink? He tweeted that it was “an absolute pleasure to be interviewed by Gabriel Byrne for a documentary to be shown on BBC & RTÉ about George Bernard Shaw.” And now the documentary has a title–My Astonishing […]