A review by one of the lucky ones who experienced Gabriel Byrne’s new play in Dublin! I first met Jojanneke van den Bosch in Bray, just outside Dublin, in 2013, when we both attended the premiere of the documentary film Behind the Sword in the Stone (now called Excalibur: Behind […]

WALKING WITH GHOSTS with Mary in Dublin

When “once in a lifetime” rolls around, you don’t cry “Oh, if only.” No. “I’m going, no matter what!” is the response that gets your dreams fulfilled. Mary, who lives in the UK, decided that Gabriel Byrne, on stage, in Dublin, performing a stage version of his memoir, was a […]

The End of In Treatment: A Very Personal View

Let me tell you about my television therapist. Lauren over at The Hedgepig has the same therapist I do. We both have a personal reaction to In Treatment. Mine is a bit more personal than hers, but I think I have been in television therapy longer. Spoilers for Season 3 […]