According to the online version of The Guardian, In Treatment, Season One will begin showing on Sky Arts 1 and Sky Arts 1 HD in October.
The episodes will play as they did in the US, one per night during the week, with all 5 episodes being shown on Sunday nights.
Cheers to our friends across the pond! And thanks to Lozzie for the alert on this!
~Is very happy~
I don’t have Sky Arts but I do intent to upgrade my cable package in time to be able to see this, and shall also be bombarding the channel with requests for them to screen Gabriel’s appearance on “Inside The Actors Studio” – they’ve shown many of these, but never Gabriel’s.
~scratches head in puzzlement~
Now that shirt he’s wearing in the lovely photograph you have chosen for this entry … doesn’t it look similar to the one he was wearing at the Waldorf press conference?
Lovely. Just .. lovely.
You will have to lay in a stock of bubbly to celebrate IT Season 1. Yay!
Yes, the white shirt. Words fail. :-)