Riitta and Lozzie bring this welcome news:

In Treatment starts Monday, October 5 on Sky Arts 1 in Great Britain.

There is an article concerning the series, with some conversation with its creator, at The Independent Online.

An excerpt:

Two people sitting in a room talking – one of them barely talking. Television drama, especially British drama, doesn’t seem to take risks like this any more. It almost makes you sad to hear Hagai Levi talking about how influenced he has been by British TV and how he had had Alan Bennett’s BBC2 Talking Heads monologues in mind when writing In Treatment. “For me it’s very, very important to have it screened in Britain,” he says. “It was the television that I grew up on. I’ve admired it all my life.”

Hear, hear! Good to see the UK queueing up for the In Treatment/Gabriel Byrne therapy the rest of us have already enjoyed so much! smile

gbintreatmentseason1-20090926postingI grew up on Irish television myself . . . but we also watched the Beeb.


  1. I’m going to be very interested to see how the show is received. It really is such a radically different format from anything that is normally considered ‘popular telly’ over here … we are drowning in reality TV shite, repeats, and soap-operas from Australia. But what frightens me is the notion that British viewers actually prefer junk television. Just as we as a nation are beginning to become addicted to junk food.

  2. Sorry Lozzie,
    I shall see that UK news comes from you as you get them anyway with a lot of extra news. I was just so excited that UK got the show. Your works for Byrneholics is so extraordinary! Thanks for that.

  3. Thank you Riitta :-D I like it here. It’s a great place to be a Gabriel Byrne fan.

    Updated my cable subscription this morning so I can watch In Treatment when it begins on Monday. Even though I already own the DVD. There’s loyalty for ya!

  4. Go, Lozzie. You Rock! This is called putting your money where your mouth is. Or perhaps in this case, your heart, soul, and mind?

    I am so glad IT is in the UK now. Let’s see what everyone says after they first see it!

  5. interview with Blair Underwood on In Treatment in the Telegraph (1st October 09)


  6. Happy our UK fans get to share in great TV. However, I notice the note in the LA FIlm Festival review that IT3 is not very likely. That’s too bad and not entirely a surprise.

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