Yan and I are working on the new design for Byrneholics Online and we need your opinion.

Below are 5 templates that we are considering. Please take a look at them and let us know which one is your favorite. These are all fake websites with fake text or instructions as place-holders for real information.

Do you like dark or light? Lots of pictures on the homepage? Funky design? Image sliders that let you maneuver through a few important pictures?

Here’s your chance to influence the future of Byrneholics Online!! Take a look and then comment on this post. Thanks!

[Please note: these WordPress Themes are no longer available and the links to them are now broken. We do have still have the images, though.]

The Templates:

Coldstone WordPress Theme

Left-Handed WordPress Theme

Atlantica WordPress Theme

Dark Atlantica WordPress Theme

Amplify WordPress Theme

See one you really like? Or one that you really hate? Please comment.

If we don’t hear from you, then we will surprise you in a few weeks. smile


Yan and Stella


  1. I like the coldstone one. And, with color, something that brings out his eye – of course!

  2. Byrne Fan

    Light, lots of pictures, image sliders!!!

  3. Hi Guy’s. I REALLY like ” our magazine ” Thank’s for putting so much work ino this site.

  4. i liked the “left-handed” a lot it was kind of back to basics (like our love for gabriel byrne : ), the others bored me… but any template will be great with gabriel in..

  5. Hi Ladies:

    I really liked “Atlantica”. (NOT Dark Atlantica!)



  6. Thanks for the opinions, folks! This is great.

    Two Twitterers piped up as well.

    twomoons123 says: 1st, atlantica, 2nd, coldstone, 3rd dark atlantica.

    Lozzie says: I like “Coldstone” and “Atlantica”, though latter doesn’t fit on my screen.

    And Ali emailed me with this: My favorites are Coldstone and Amplify.

    Keep those ideas coming our way! Thanks!

    Stella :-)

  7. Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language
    https://www.byrneholics.com – cool!!!!

  8. Many thanks to everyone for your input. It is one month later and the new design is up, as you can see!

    There is still a lot of content to be posted in the new sections, but the site is operational and essentially complete.

    Enjoy! :-)


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