Variety notes that Hollywood is supporting relief efforts in Haiti, with telethons involving everyone from George Clooney to Bono and donations in the millions pouring in.

On the East Coast, “Gabriel Byrne, Terry George, and others have organized a “Rebuild Haiti” fundraiser in New York for Thursday night to benefit Concern Worldwide and the Edeyo Foundation.”

Kudos to Mr. Byrne, Susan Sarandon, Terry George, Alan Cumming, and everyone who is supporting this event and helping Haiti!

Thanks to Ann for the heads up.

Update: here is more information about the benefit, thanks to Lara!


  1. :D eh eh I knew he would get involved in something too. he is such a sweet heart…
    it’s quite impressive the number of celebrities involved in the movement.

  2. I knew he would lend a hand!

  3. He’s also being reported in the British main-stream press:

  4. Thanks for sharing this information.
    Haiti is a terrible catastrophe area and we all have to help. Thanks to Gabriel and the other celebrities who remind us about that.

  5. I wonder how we can find out what is being auctioned off.

  6. Sam, one of the items up for auction tonight is a Usual Suspects “line-up” photo signed by all five suspects along with a signed copy of the script.

    ps: Gabrielle (uhh) Byrne. Lozzie, can you ring them up and tell them it’s GABRIEL?! :)

  7. Too bad Gabe isn’t up for auction. Just one hour would be fine with me.

  8. thanks for the news Lara !! that’s great !

  9. Susan Sarandon also joined the host committee :)

  10. Cool! And I just noticed both Terry George and Alan Cumming, too.

    I updated the poster.

  11. Apparently they managed to raise US$45.000. Well done!

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