Bloggers in various fields of endeavor–psychoanalysts, educators, literary types, film fans, and book lovers–have all been busy being inspired by Gabriel Byrne and his show In Treatment lately. They are so inspired, they are ready to DO something!

I’m Ready to Become a Shrink Now

The Non-Participant Observer offers What Was Paul Thinking? Being a Psychoanalyst in the Real World presented by the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis. This is actually a blurb for a mini-course offered by the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, on Thursday evenings in April. There are four different speakers/instructors and the syllabus includes the first two Alex episodes from Season 1 of In Treatment. The first session asks these questions:

How do I assess our new patient? How do I listen to Alex to take in information on many levels? How do I engage him? How do I teach him to “be” a patient? What makes a therapeutic relationship analytic?

More information about this educational opportunity is here.

I’m not quite sure what I am ready to do…

I’m Ready to Return to School Now

Pop Culture at San Diego State University, a blog for a psychology course, looks at “Therapy,” and uses In Treatment as its prism.

The award winning HBO series, In Treatment, provides us with an in-depth look at many of the discourses about therapy/therapists used in popular culture. We see representations of clients with “deep” issues, struggling to communicate and understand their problems, and a therapist, who is able to “see through” his clients facades and help them identify those secrets of which they themselves have been wholly unaware (until he tells them). We see discourses that reinforce the ethical challenges faced by therapists and we see discourses that represent therapists as having their own problems.

The exercises for class include watching all of the recaps from Season 1 on YouTube.

I’m Ready to Age Gracefully Now

At the Plasma Pool, there is a tribute to Dianne Wiest. Actually, to Dianne Wiest’s Old Face. Kevin Hilke waxes rhapsodic:

Her enigmatic expressions initially offend Paul, whose history with Gina predisposes him to read any ambiguity in her mien as perfunctorily negative. Not sharing this pervading bias, we enjoy the virtuosic, Emmy-winning face of this gorgeous old lady whose allure and gravitas make me want to ask her to run for president.

Sadly, the link to Mr. Hilke’s rhapsody on Dianne Wiest’s face is no longer available.

I’m Ready to Feel Guilty Now

FlixChatter decided to feature some films with Leonardo DiCaprio in honor of his new movie, Shutter Island. So, The Man in the Iron Mask, with King Leo as King Louis + his brother, was chosen as a guilty pleasure and guess what? The blog’s author, Ruth, fell for Gabriel Byrne instead!

I gotta admit I saw this movie because of (Leo) Jack Dawson (like most girls I too fell under his spell, just briefly though, I find him too boyish looking now). But in this flick, I totally fell for Gabriel Byrne as the dashing and regal d’Artagnan. Though billed as a DiCaprio movie due to his massive popularity, Byrne’s the heart & soul of the movie, his performance as the conflicted man carrying a pivotal secret is absolutely terrific, he brings a surprising depth to this archetypal character.

I’m Ready to Suh-WOON Now

Over at Let’s Talk Hair & Movies, the talk has moved to books and paintings and Gabriel Byrne’s apartment:

Our cozy apartment walls are in danger of becoming massively crowded with artwork but you know, (almost) all of it is meaningful. I remember seeing a magazine photo of Gabriel Byrne’s NY apartment once, and holy shnikey, it’s floor to ceiling paintings and books. What’s good for my Ole Faithful celebrity crush should be good enough for me, right? I should say. Fuggedabout the fact that my whole apartment would probably fit in his guest bathroom. It’s all about scale, which is why I always buy my furniture at the Little People Shop.

Check out the artwork too. This girl has a knack with black markers!


  1. lol “The exercises for class include watching all of the recaps from Season 1 on YouTube.” tough homework….
    nice morning post thanks ! :-)

  2. I was so pleased to find my post mentioned on your site! As far as the black marker goes, I would have preferred to photoshop my own face in there! Unfortunately, I’m much better at scribbling. :)

  3. Kelly, I LOVED the black marker thing. I laughed out loud. Great post!

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! Gabriel’s sooo swoon-worthy in ‘The Man in Iron Mask’ I didn’t care much about Leo (or the other guys in there for that matter). I don’t think I’d like the movie as much without him. He’s awesome in ‘The Point of No Return’ as well. I’ll definitely be coming back here often :)

  5. Ruth, “The Man in the Iron Mask” is a huge favorite around here, so your posting just had to be shared! And of course, we could not agree with you more. Do visit often–I think Byrneholics is just your cup of tea. :-)

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