Here’s the Rumpus! “Miller’s Crossing” on Blu-Ray

Arriving August 30 in the United States, the Blu-Ray transfer of the Coen Brothers’ mob noir classic, Miller’s Crossing, has tons of features and promises the best viewing experience of all home media versions. The DVD Beaver has an extensive overview of this release. All video-and-audiophiles should immediately jump over […]

The 2011 Salzburg Festival

While everyone else is coping with heat waves, the summer doldrums, and earthquakes (!), we find Mr. Byrne off in Salzburg, catching some culture and adding his own brand of gravitas and smiles to the proceedings. We have pictures from two events: Young Directors Project Montblanc sponsors this festival within […]

A Gathering of Gabriel Websites

Updated June 21, 2021 The Whistling Gypsy, a fantastic Tumblr site devoted to Gabriel Byrne mentioned below, is no longer available. There is, however, another great Gabriel Byrne Tumblr site, appropriately titled: Fuck Yeah Gabriel Byrne It has a fantastic background theme and all of the pics, GIFs, quotes, and […]

Welcome to Byrneholics 5.0!

We are still working on this but here is the latest version of your source on the web for everything “Gabriel Byrne”! Enhancements include: New template design and new colors (blue!) New logo Tabs across the top (“News,” “Cultural Ambassador,” “Feature Films,” etc.) make it easy to find related postings […]