Thanks to all who have participated in the “Gabriel Byrne Was Here” contest!
You created beautiful, moving, and funny images of our Roving Ambassador and it was wonderful to see him in so many different places across the globe.
We have three winners and a few comments about their submissions:
First Place: Anonymous for “The Mouse”
Gabriel and the cute little beastie for the WIN! heart
Second Place: NancyAnne R. for “The Parking Spot”
Of the many pictures NancyAnne submitted, this one turned out to be the most fun. It seemed she was either allowing the Ambassador the privilege of parking in her “Nancy’s Parking Only” space or she was having him towed away. Further inspection made the whole story clear: she had him towed to her parking space! That NancyAnne is a no-nonsense kind of parker!
Third Place: Nora for “The Hunk in the Trunk”
Of all the exotic places in the world, Cultural Ambassador Gabriel Byrne probably was not expecting to wind up in Istanbul–but what a trip! Nora shrink-wrapped her hunk and packed him carefully in the trunk and proceeded to show him the sights of the great city. Her snap of him at Hagia Sophia is perfect: this amazing cathedral/mosque/museum provides the celestial back-drop our man deserves. We love that he is on the go and really is EVERYWHERE these days!
Congratulations, winners! You will be contacted individually about your prizes. And thanks again to all who participated!!!
congrats to all the winners !!! :-D
Thanks for the great honor of winning the 3.rd price.
It was a real pleasure to bring “Mr. Byrne” with me on my vacation to
When I was in Dublin and his childhood’s Walkinstown, and when I was in New York and in Garden Place in Brooklyn I brought his book Stories from home with me. But most fun was it to take the “Gabriel Byrne was here” photo with me on a trip.
Oh, sorry I wrote wrong title on the book.
Of course I meant that I broght his book “Pictures in my head” with me to Dublin and New York, and not the movie. But both the book and the movie about him mean so much to me so I mixed the titles when I wrote the message above. Forgive me girls.
It is night in Norway now and I think I should go to bed and dream sweet dreams.
Hope Gabriel and all of you had a nice Easter.