What!? You are not attending a Halloween party?
No bobbing for apples and throwing back orange and black Jello shots?
Not turning on your front porch light so you can hand out Snickers bars to the neighborhood kids dressed as skeletons, princesses, and Superman?
Too afraid to go to the midnight showing of Paranormal Activity 3?
Well, we here at Byrneholics have the perfect answer to your Halloween entertainment problem: The Gabriel Byrne Scary Movies for Halloween Chilling Thriller and Horror Fest! No, we are not talking Cool World here. We are talking real thrills, real chills, and one really bad movie. You can decide which one is the stinkeroo.
And while horror movies and thrillers are not the norm for Mr. Byrne, you will see that in each of these films he gives a thoughtful, intense, and very human (except in one case!) characterization, often elevating the material of the film with his presence.

So, here for your viewing pleasure are trailers, scenes, fan vids, and more from Gabriel’s forays into the horror/scary/generally frightening genre. Please enjoy responsibly and do not blame Byrneholics if you cannot get to sleep. For that problem, we recommend watching some early In Treatment episodes. The good Dr. Weston will calm you down. Or not.
Happy Halloween!
SPIDER: trailer/interviews
STIGMATA: trailer/clip/fan video
You can read the Stigmata Mega Movie Page first, if you like…
END OF DAYS: trailer/scene
GOTHIC: trailer/scene
GHOST SHIP: trailer/scene
All done? Try a warm milk toddy before heading off to bed.
And thanks for spending Halloween with the hottest dad/priest/Satan/poet/captain in the world! heart
Of all of them Gothic is the one I think is best. And best to watch it alone in the dark, it’will help your imagination
run wild.Gothic is a film you can put yourself into, but lets hope you’ll return.(sane)
Spider would be my next pick. As for the rest.I love him to death but they are seriously bad.
Saw all of them love them all!
More thoughts. With Mr B. as Lord Bryon we see a side that is or has never been out in the light of day. He gives to the part a subtle hint of hate for the world and himself.Lord Bryon was a very hidden man ,and I think Mr.B. made him a human figure. I know the English Lit. people would have all sorts of things to say but looking at this from outside the box, I believe I might be right
Ahahaha! great post! fantastic idea! love this :-)
End of Days and Stigmata. Since those are the two I have on DVD. What a great idea though!
Just as an aside>Am now using a picture from Gothic as my wallpaper. Dear GOD in heaven I could swear the EYES followed me and he smiled, a very sardonic smile….. Must be the cold meds and the trifocals. My heart is still thumping (take breath) . Thanks for all your hard work. I need to lie down
I need to lie down too. All that scariness and tension has worn me out. But it is a good tired. ;-)
So Kim, we know Gothic is your top choice. What about everyone else?
I think mine is Stigmata. I really enjoy this film every time I watch it. I don’t find it silly or far-fetched. I think both Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne give very believable performances and I love the soundtrack and the special effects. There are scary moments, but the fearlessness of Gabriel’s character is so striking and honest that I always feel stronger after seeing this film.
So, what about you? Which is your favorite? And which is the stinkeroo? ;-)
I might be alone in this but I had to be persuaded to watch Stigmata by my friend. I thought it would be scary, and it wasn’t. Very good film but not scary. And Gabriel in a dog collar will coach anyone out from behind the sofa!! End of Days wasn’t scary either. Good action film but not scary. And a Devilishly sexy Mr Byrne!
I`ve seen Ghost ship, End of days, Stigmata, and Spider, but I can`t decide which of them is the best. The film that I didn`t like is Spider, and I didn`t like End of days either. The best film must be Stigmata or Ghost ship. Great films both of them. They have a great story, and many special effects.
I know I talk too much. Gothic with the music of Michael Jackson what could be better. I’m shutting up now
If I had nerves of steel I’d watch these, alas I’ve only seen End of Days. I prefer Gabriel in less-terrifying environment, he..he.. But still, great post and Gabriel rocks! :D
Stella, thanks for your scary suggestions for a Halloween party with on screen Gabriel. I have seen all the movies you mentioned and they are really very different. I think I will choose Gothic this time. And maybe Spider after that, if I have nerves for more of these scary things…
It is a good thing that I can always put on an episode of In Treatment in the late dark and scary night, so the wise therapist can comfort me before I (hopefully) go to sleep.
You know, Nora, you COULD watch JUST A SIGH and turn those scary feelings into something quite different! <3
I should update that old Halloween posting and add VAMPIRE ACADEMY...