Here is an interview from Cara Magazine, the in-flight magazine for Aer Lingus, July 2011. Thanks to our friends over at the In Treatment Fans blog for sharing this! And for those lucky enough to be in New York (not that you are stalking the ambassador or anything, of course!), be sure to check out the end of the article where you will learn about three of Gabriel’s favorite places (yes, one of them is a bookstore, as you would guess).
On acting
“I didn’t go into this job to make money or to be famous, or to do anything more than enjoy myself,” he contends. “I left Ireland because I wanted to test myself, to see how far I could go creatively, and as a person; to break through my own fears, too. I had always thought that exile and emigration were very sad things, and yet at the same time I was pushing myself to experience leaving Ireland. In one way, I never left Ireland because I return constantly–in fact, I see myself as an Irish actor who works in America.”
He freely admits that some films with his name on them have been made solely for the money, but is adamant that most of them have been made “because I cared what the film is trying to say. That’s always been my primary motivation, but in order to continue to make the kinds of film that you want to make you have to make commercial films now and again. Ultimately, though, it’s about testing myself.”
On life
“What keeps you vital is curiosity, being involved and being in the present, connecting with other people and being open to new experiences. I woke up one day, and realised that I didn’t have any more time for nostalgia. It’s either live in the past or live in the present, and I choose the latter.”
Read the rest in the Gallery in the Press section.
Thanks for sharing.
I really love Gabriels attitude to life and his ability to expresset it in words. He inspires me with his words!
I really wish he would write more.
I’m loving it
I discovered new great wallpapers here now. But there is no place to say thank you here on the front page, and to tell what I feel about the wallpapers. Could we have a Wallpaper area here? Now I am writing this in a completely wrong place. I can not write in the Flick system either, so that is not a solution. You can delete this comment Stella, if you wish.
Nora, thanks for this comment! I will post next week here on the front page about the Wallpapers (something I have been planning to do for awhile) so you can comment on that posting. I am glad you are enjoying them.