Le temps de l’aventure/Just A Sigh made quite a splash at film festivals here in the US in October!
On October 18, the Chicago International Film Festival honored Jérôme Bonnell with the Silver Hugo for Best Director “for the sensitive manner with which the director revisits the tropes of the “amour fou” genre aided and abetted by a great actress.” We would add “and a great actor,” of course!
On October 26, The Washington West Film Festival jury “awarded the 2013 Best Feature Narrative to French film Just A Sigh, directed by Jérôme Bonnell and starring Gabriel Byrne and Emmanuelle Devos.” A colleague attended this screening and I hope to share a review of the film and the screening soon!
And the film also screened at the 1st Annual La Costa Film Festival in Carlsbad, California. I cannot find any information about a competition for narrative features at this festival. I really liked their blurb for the film, even though there is an error (Alix is not married!):
French romance is alive and well in Just A Sigh (Le temps de l’aventure), which depicts two married people whose brief encounter on a Paris-bound train soon turns into a full blown affair. Emmanuelle Devos and Gabriel Byrne provide vulnerable, believable characters that, notwithstanding themselves, find love and passion they cannot deny. A truthful and poignant look at chance, and its power over our sometimes otherwise ordinary lives.
Finally, as noted in an earlier posting:
Screen Daily reported October 9 that Just A Sigh has found its US distributor:
Fledgling Distrib Films has acquired US rights from Le Pacte to Jérôme Bonnell’s French romance Just A Sigh starring Emmanuelle Devos and Gabriel Byrne. Distrib Films CEO François Scippa-Kohn made the announcement prior to this weekend’s upcoming (Oct 12) screening at the Chicago International Film Festival and plans a March 2014 theatrical run. The film premiered at Tribeca.
IFTN (Irish Film and Television Network) also reported on this great news on October 15:
Irish co-production ‘Just A Sigh’ has been picked up for U.S. distribution by Distribfilms, a company designed specifically to introduce the best of independent French-language features to the U.S. market.‘Just A Sigh’ marks a collaboration between French production company Rectangle Pictures and Ireland’s Element Pictures, reflecting a similar collaboration in the film’s lead roles – played by Gabriel Byrne and multiple award-winning French actress Emmanuelle Devos (‘Sur mes lèvres’, ‘The Other Son’)…
So, after screening at these various film festivals in the United States and getting a release in the US at last, Le temps/Just A Sigh is going international!
Yes, we are happy about this, too!
Le temps de l’aventure will be shown at the “30. Französische Filmtage”–30 French Film Days–Festival. This festival website is in German and there is a French version available, too.
The festival runs October 30 – November 6 in Tübingen and Stuttgart, Germany.
Le temps will screen on November 1 and 5 and there will be two showings November 6 in different cinemas in Tübingen. The version shown will be the original French version with German subtitles.
Many thanks to Moondreamer for the heads up on this event!
The Canadian premiere of Le temps de l’Aventure/Just a Sigh is set for the Cinemania Film Festival–“the Leading French Film Festival in the Americas.”
The festival is in Montreal and the film will screen on November 14 and 16 .
Emmanelle Devos will introduce the film. The version shown will be French /English with English subtitles.
Here is a bit of the blurb for the film from the Cinemania website:
Emmanuelle Devos dazzles us in this deeply unusual love story linking Alix and her unnamed Irish paramour, played brilliantly by Gabriel Byrne…
Unanimous accolades have hailed topnotch acting by Devos and Byrne as well as the directing talent of Jérôme Bonnell that have made this a uniquely passionate bedroom drama. Paris itself takes on a rare mood of intimacy enhanced by the music of Vivaldi, Mozart and Verdi.
Doesn’t that make you want to see this film!? Yes.
Many thanks to Angelle for the alert on this festival news!
Last, but certainly not least, Just A Sigh opens the Irish Film Institute’s Carte Noire IFI French Film Festival (AKA “French Fest”) on November 20.
Director Jerome Bonnell and Emmanuelle Devos will attend the screening and the Q&A session and there will be a reception as well.
A report at 4rfv.co.uk: Broadcast Industry News explains more about the festival:
The Irish Film Institute (IFI) has announced the details for this year’s Carte Noire IFI French Film Festival. Twelve days of Gallic cinema will be screened in Dublin, including 21 premieres of new French films, director’s seasons, a classic film selection and directorial debuts…
Festival Director Marie-Pierre Richard said: “The search for identity is the unifying theme in this year’s Festival, explored through many exciting and unique voices in French cinema.”
The Gala Opening film, telling the story of an intriguing brief encounter, is Just a Sigh. A Parisian actress Alix (a luminous Emmanuelle Devos) makes an unexpected connection with an English-speaking stranger (Gabriel Byrne). The screening will include a Q+A with Festival guests, actress Emmanuelle Devos and director Jérôme Bonnell, and will be followed by a reception.
The festival runs in Dublin November 20 – December 1.
And Gabriel Byrne’s appearance at the festival is not confirmed at this time, but you never know!
Many thanks to Moondreamer for this great news!
Screencaps included in this posting are from the film, of course. I made over 200 of them and I like to take them out for a breath of fresh air now and then…Sigh! heart
I am so glad to read that Just a Sigh will be shown in many different places. I think this movie is an intimate masterpiece and that it deserves to get a big audience.
I was very moved when I saw the movie in France in May. I thought about the movie and the story for not only days but weeks after I saw it.
The movie has not been released in Norway yet, but I hope it will come here to my country too.
So much Gabriel Goodness here in Canada this year! First we had Vikings, an Irish-Canadian co-production of which we are very proud; then this summer sizzled with Secret State, And now , Le Temps de l’aventure premieres in Montreal to melt the November chill. Finally, by the end of this year, Miller’s Crossing and Spider will screen at two major film retrospectives in Toronto.