The Irish Arts Center provided an album of pictures, all taken by
e (bless her!), from the opening night of An Irish Christmas, which took place on December 18, 2014.More than one Byrneholic (including me, of course) voiced frustration at not being able to attend. For them, and for you, here is a Byrneholics Gallery album of those pictures featuring Gabriel Byrne.
My favorite: Mr. Byrne smiling his biggest smile, flanked by friends including Colum McCann, wearing an artsy shirt and beaming:
It appears everyone had a fabulous time! Go ahead. Take a peek. And remember all of these smiles the next time you see a pic of Mr. Byrne looking all broody . . . wink
From Argentine I send you all my gratefulness, by all the work that you realize along all these pages , you make me feel more near than you each day,the best for all you and Mister Gabriel in this 2015, very much successful.
Thanks so much, Dora, and Happy New Year to you!