It’s time to welcome the New Year! And the best way to do that? Put a Byrne-ing New Year wallpaper on your desktop, of course! One new wallpaper and several oldie-but-goodies are here for your holiday enjoyment.
Happy New Year and welcome to 2018! May it be a year that Byrnes with creativity, joy, fun, imagination, and friends and family. Oh, and let’s make it a healthy year, ok? LOL! heart
Here are the oldies-but-goodies. I promise to make more next year. wink
Happy New Year to Byrneholics Everywhere!
Stella heart
Thanks for your good wishes Stella. All the same for you <3.
I've chosen the last Wallpaper, maybe because it's full of blue color, Gabriel's color and mine too.
Hope to be part of Byrneholics in 2018 and hope too Gabriel will show up to say "Hi my Fans", instead of me :-D
Happy 2018 for everyone !!!
Verónica, I love that blue one, too. One of the first holiday wallpapers I ever made!
I hope Gabriel will “show up” this year and say “Hi!” to all his fans, but if he does not, we will still be here. And so will you, I hope!
Happy 2018 to you!
<3 <3 <3
Wishing you all a happy, exciting, byrne-ing, healthy, wealthy, lucky, peaceful, creative and successful 2018,
Elf (from Germany)
Elf! So nice to see you here!
Happy 2018 to you: a year that improves on the previous year, we hope! ;-)
Hello Stella thank you for updating and maintaining this wonderful site on Gabriel Byrne it’s been an exciting year for him. Here in America I wish for a resolution to our corporate greed and politics as this seems to be the center of our attention these days. We all need a new beginning to a healthier and wealthier way of life.
You are welcome, Michelle!
It’s been an exciting year for Mr. Byrne and an exciting, if anxious, year for the rest of us.
I am expecting a Big Blue Wave in 2018 and a return to values we cherish and desperately need.
In the meantime, whoop it up for the New Year!
Happy New Year Stella ! I love all of these !
Angelle, thank you! And Happy New Year to your and yours!
Happy New Year Stella! Thank you for the wonderful photos!
You are welcome, Mary. Happy New Year to you! <3
New message :Hi Stella, I didn’t see your message Dec. 31. I had much work on FB. Thank you for good wishes for 2018 and you like too that very blue Wallpaper. As you not are coming to FB because of your health problem I`ve put that Wallpaper for people, who love it. They miss you, so do I. I left a message for Gabriel. Maybe he will read it or somebody will tell him about. We ALL hope, in this 2018, he will show up to say “hello”. Well we are waiting for you as soon as possible. <3
Sorry I have not been on Facebook, Verónica. I will be there today. Happy New Year to you! <3
I am reading this message today, January 2nd.
Yes, I saw you on FB :-)
Thanks once more for your good wishes and I wish to you the best for this 2018 . <3