A film by first-time director Mitu Misra, Lies We Tell has a May 2017 premiere scheduled at the Cannes Film Festival.
Some reviewers have already seen it, however, and here are excerpts from these early reviews, plus new pics, all provided by Film Festivals.com!
Please note: Links to the reviews below are no longer working because they were published at the Film Festivals website, which does not archive these reviews, unfortunately. Still, we’re glad to have them!
Gabriel Byrne as Donald
Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent:
LIES WE TELL’s Gabriel Byrne & Harvey Keitel Pack a Punch in Mitu Misra’s Urban Epic Debut
Gabriel Byrne had a very telling remark about this project, he said “the subject matter is most original and unique, the culture clash between the Asian and the Western perspective of the world.” For him, “that’s very relevant and pertinent in today’s world.”
You don’t have to read between the lines to know he is referring to the lashing out at anyone who even has the slightest hint of being on a government watch list. “There was great camaraderie between all races, then ‘9/11’ hit the world,” Misra recalled. “I felt a force around my Pakistani friends and their children that in my 40 years, I had never felt before. A ‘force’, I realized later, which divided Muslim and non-Muslim souls.” Even though he had grown up in a Hindu family, “people who couldn’t spell politics suddenly became political about a human tragedy that in my opinion could never be justified. For the first time in my life, I felt myself philosophically opposed to life-long Pakistani friends.”
The film reflects the New Now of suspicion. Once reserved for strangers, it’s now prevalent among friends and neighbors across all classes and races. LIES WE TELL is a story the director had to tell as this phenomenon spread like a virus.
Gabriel Byrne and Harvey Keitel
Martin Petrov:
Lies We Tell – Review: A suspense-filled crime thriller with a full-bodied social background
Visually satisfying, Lies We Tell achieves smooth plot transitions, sustains the suspense levels throughout and the cast of young leads surrounded by strong presences as Gabriel Byrne as Donald and Harvey Keitel in a cameo appearance in the opening, brings versatility to this indie debut.
Phillip Bergson:
Lies We Tell review: “Fasten your Seat-Belts”
From the opening sequences with Harvey Keitel as a philandering business man, cavorting in a love-nest with a dusky beauty, his timid-seeming driver played by the excellent Gabriel Byrne, the clever screenplay spins a spidery web of tangling deceits, and we only bit by bit come to learn more about the characters and how the past can tyrannise the present, and the religious zeal-and ideals- are quite out of place when transplanted to a secular and very alien land. There are extensive flashbacks, sidelines, revelations and always the uncovering of the veil of another lie, social, sexual, historic, pecuniary, venial, understandable but unforgivable as the dictates of Islam clash with the practices and preferences of the West.
Arranged marriages, abstinence from alcohol, yet indulgence in narcotics in the playgrounds of the young, the film’s fine cinematographer Santosh Sivan captures perfectly the Victorian splendours of the city, and its seedier sides–here is a nightclub sequence that could rival Fellini-Satyiricon— and the rural splendours of the adjacent countryside (This is Wuthering Heights’ s own county never mind God’s, do not forget!).
But what most impresses is the uniformly excellent cast and the utterly credible dialogues they are given and the flair and conviction with which they make their journey…..the driver is ultimately driven to take a stand, and the oppressed daughters make their own pleas for recognition and dignity….and yet the ancient curses take their toll.
Lia Fietz:
Lies We Tell Review: A touching Thriller Story
The film brings into discussion several social topics prominent in present times, such as a male dominating society, issues that involve an Islamic divorce and being forced into marriage to please families.
In the beginning of the film when Demi discovers his wife had called, he explains to Donald “The only Men who get caught are those who don’t love their wives enough”. One can not help but feel driven by Donald’s character, his morals, who despite dismissing Amber at first, embarks in an unlikely friendship, protecting her and helping free Miriam from what would otherwise be a tragic future…
With a diverse score selection, classic and modern, the music compositions guide us through the emotional moments of Donald and Amber in this touching thriller.
Laurie Gordon:
Lies We Tell – Film Review – Affairs of hearts deceive and cultures divide
Gabriel Byrne delivers.
First time director Misu Misra’s Lies We Tell debut feature is an offering of great acting, a strong story and a stealth performance by Gabriel Byrne and the entire cast. Byrne delivers a sensitive and powerful performance with an intensity and gritty authenticity. Byrne plays Donald and Amber acted by newcomer Sybilla Deen have a palpable chemistry with great performances all round.
Many thanks to Laurie Gordon for tweeting about her review and connecting with me!
No trailer yet, but one should be available soon.
This is great news for what sounds like a very thoughtful and also creative look at a contemporary conundrum facing the world today. We are not surprised that Mr. Byrne would be attracted to such a story, are we? Let’s applaud him for his commitment to this kind of story-telling and hope we can all continue to tell our stories in the future.
Be sure to check out the IMDB Page for Lies We Tell!
Excellent reviews for Mr. Byrne in this “moral thriller”! Very pertinent themes. Thank you Stella for news on this film. And very exciting news indeed.