Saturday is April 2! Time to climb Croagh Patrick with Charlie Bird, as he sets off in support of the causes close to his heart.
You can contribute by climbing or walking or hiking somewhere near where you live. Or, if you are like me, nursing a knee that doesn’t work so well at the moment, then light a candle, send positive vibes, and contribute what you can to the Charlie’s causes, Pieta Ireland and Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association.
Wouldn’t getting to the top of Croagh Patrick be an amazing experience, though!? Well, we can’t all live in Ireland, darn it, so let’s be where we are and be with Charlie in spirit as he embarks on this journey.
As Gabriel says in his video from February (check down at the end of this posting): “It’s about solidarity, it’s about friendship, it’s about joining together.”
Get all of the details at Charlie’s website and follow him on Twitter, where you will see how much love and support he has received since first announcing this inspiring project. heart
Today’s Tweet
Tweet from March 29
Tweet on March 28
A lovely message from March 26 heart
Gabriel’s Message
PS. I am working on a new Byrne-ing News, so stay tuned for that shortly! heart
Awesome courage and determination.
(You take care of that knee Stella.)