Fans Wish Gabriel a Very Happy Birthday!

Gabriel Byrne is an inspiration, with fans all across the world who appreciate him. They visit his website here, of course, but many of them gather on Facebook–to find and share pics and videos, leave comments, and have conversations with other fans. Gabriel’s birthday is May 12. Some of these […]

Celebrate Gabriel’s Birthday!

Yes, Fellow Byrneholics. Another year has flown by and it is time, once again, to celebrate someone’s birthday. Whose birthday? Why, Gabriel Byrne’s birthday, of course! Our favorite Irishman has been a whirlwind of activity all year. He worked on several film and television projects that took him to places […]

Happy Birthday, Gabriel Byrne!

Time for another birthday! And time does not stop for any of us, it seems–not even our favorite Irishman! This was an incredible year for Mr. Byrne. New movies, including Lies We Tell, Mad To Be Normal, and Hereditary. Television, including In The Cloud, Into The Night, and now a […]

Happy Birthday, Gabriel Byrne!

As the video says: What an adventure this year has been for you! It began last Spring with your indelible performance in Long Day’s Journey Into Night, a play that brought fans from around the world to experience your art–and to get an autograph and a pic or two (this […]

The Birthday Video for Gabriel Byrne, 2016 Edition!

Where did the year go!? It’s Birthday Time for our favorite Irishman and that means, you guessed it: The Birthday Video Tribute to Gabriel Byrne’s Doings and Happenings During the Past Year! wink Happy Birthday, Mr. Byrne, (I’m singing here…) And Many More! Please leave your birthday wishes for Mr. […]

Happy Birthday, Gabriel!

Happy Birthday, Gabriel! On this, your special day, we wish you all the best, including happiness, success, great roles in great films, good health, fun travels, and much love! You know by now how much we all care about you and how much we appreciate your talent, your wisdom, and […]