The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse Wins the Oscar!!

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse began life as a series of Instagram and Facebook postings by Charlie Mackesy, musing on the pandemic and sharing his drawings. Then it morphed into a beautiful illustrated book. I gave the book to my best friend soon after it was […]

BAFTA Winner: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse!

It began with Charlie’s book, a lovely story with imaginative drawings. It evokes appreciation and smiles, but also a yearning that might surprise you. What happens when that original project gets more complicated? What happens when the page becomes a screen? Magic, that’s what. The short animated film that Charlie […]

Charlie Mackesy and his Lovely Christmas Film

I cried. I know. Surprise, surprise. But I did. It’s a lovely story that will take you out of yourself and then bring you back, a little wiser, a little happier. It is brought to life in an enchanting use of artistic animation and music and, so importantly, absolutely perfect […]

Just in Time for the Holidays!

I love it when the next Gabriel Byrne film is going to be available to as many people as possible and it looks like this one is! The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, Charlie Mackesy’s new animated film based on his beloved book, has been acquired by […]