Irish Film and Television Academy Award Nominations!

It’s a Father-and-Son Celebration! The IFTA Awards nominations have been announced. Gabriel Byrne has been nominated in the Lead Actor Film category this year for his daring work as Samuel O’Shea in the brilliant and unconventional Matt Bissonnette film Death of a Ladies’ Man. And the man who played his […]

Best Lead Actor at Buenos Aires International Film Festival!

Updated May 27 Gabriel Byrne responded to the Buenos Aires International Film Festival announcement of his nomination on Instagram and I missed it until now! He speaks in Spanish and the audio is cut off, but I did want you to see his message: Also, the film’s Instagram had a […]


Gabriel Byrne’s latest film is in the news on an international scale now: premieres, festivals, behind the scenes, fan works. Death of a Ladies’ Man is making a splash in global waters! Premiering in Australia! Thanks to producer Corey Marr for the heads up on this great news! Premiering May […]

The Byrne-ing News, March 2021 Edition

Spring is springing up all over, except in the Southern Hemisphere, where Fall is falling. Either way, things are happening everywhere–and they are happening in the World of Gabriel Byrne, too. Check out the news below for all the March Goings-on, but first, put this Writers Festival live stream on […]

DEATH OF A LADIES’ MAN: Canadian Reviews

The Canadian press has been enthusiastic and full of praise for Gabriel’s new film. After all, Leonard Cohen is an icon in Montreal, where much of the movie was filmed, and Matt Bissonnette is a home-grown Canadian director. One might think Canadian journalists would be predisposed to simply say “Home […]

Premiere of DEATH OF A LADIES’ MAN at Cinequest

When first hearing that Death of a Ladies’ Man would be available “everywhere”on March 12, my heart leapt. Finally! But no. Everywhere turned out to be Canada. Dang. I have cleaned up my real response because this is generally a G-Rated website. Help was on the way, though! Cinequest Film […]