Saying Goodbye to Teri Hayden

The Irish Times reports that Teri Hayden died last month. Ms. Hayden was Gabriel Byrne’s agent in Ireland for many years. The Agency today represents a wide array of Irish talent and Teri was its legendary leader. We send her family and her friends and colleagues our condolences during this […]

The TK Whitaker Award!

Over the years, watching Gabriel Byrne trying to bring together the business and arts communities of his Irish homeland, I often thought of his efforts as, not only a Sisyphean task, but a fool’s errand. The minute you get these two groups sitting at the same table, no matter what […]

Walking With Ghosts: A Fan’s Story

Mary shares the story of her adventures in the UK and Ireland and we thank her so much! I put my comments at the end of each part. –Stella heart Part 1 For the month of September I toured the United Kingdom–England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.On 9/6/2022 I attended the […]

New Interview: Gabriel at The Guardian

As I make my way through the summer heat, packing up my house, sweeping and cleaning and boxing up my life, and preparing for what will probably be my last move, I find that I am in tune with Gabriel Byrne more than ever. This interview touches on so many […]