Saying Goodbye to Teri Hayden

The Irish Times reports that Teri Hayden died last month. Ms. Hayden was Gabriel Byrne’s agent in Ireland for many years. The Agency today represents a wide array of Irish talent and Teri was its legendary leader. We send her family and her friends and colleagues our condolences during this […]

The TK Whitaker Award!

Over the years, watching Gabriel Byrne trying to bring together the business and arts communities of his Irish homeland, I often thought of his efforts as, not only a Sisyphean task, but a fool’s errand. The minute you get these two groups sitting at the same table, no matter what […]

Gabriel Byrne Talks About DANCE FIRST

When I was a library director, I used to take on new projects with a sense of adventure and excitement. Digitizing the backfiles of a local journal? Yes! Implementing a new online learning environment for the school? Yes! Setting up the first wireless network in the campus? Yes! Of course […]

Dance First, then Read Reviews

As it turns out, Gabriel Byrne’s new film about Samuel Beckett is not everyone’s cuppa tea. I am not surprised, however, that those who do appreciate this black-and-white journey into the playwright’s past are from across the pond, while those who throw bricks at it all live here in the […]

Byrne-ing News, April 2023 Edition

Ah! Spring is in the air. That verdant time when the ice melts (in a good way!), green shoots begin their hesitant journey to the light, and the sun warms us gently. Spring, when our hearts and thoughts turn to — Gabriel Byrne! He was in Ireland in April. Helping […]