End of Life Care: Irish Hospice Foundation in NYC

When you really want to understand something, go to the original source. Yesterday (November 13), Twitter was all aflutter with news that Gabriel Byrne slammed end-of-life facilities in Ireland. Wait. He seeks change to end-of-life care in Ireland. Hang on. He is pleading to improve the experience of the dying […]

The Byrne-ing News, July 2013 Edition

It is summer! One might think that things would slow down a bit in the world of Byrne, but no. Things are hopping! Mr. Byrne himself appears to be in Ireland taking a bit of a very well-deserved vacation. Here you see him arriving at The Bord Gais Energy Theatre […]

The Gathering: Why I Hate Soundbites

Updated December 14 I have transcribed the interview section containing Mr. Byrne’s comments about The Gathering. You can read it here. The audio interview is on this page as well. — You will see only one Byrneholics posting about Gabriel Byrne’s remarks concerning The Gathering, despite the diatribes, slurs, and […]